StrongTeams.com Podcast
Your host is Rodney Cox, president of Ministry Insights International, and author of the book Leading From Your Strengths®. Rodney and his guests discuss best practices in building strong teams—teams built on empathy, understanding, and trust, where every team member feels valued and contributes at the highest level possible. Episode frequency is biweekly.
StrongTeams.com Podcast
The Role of Humility in Leadership | Boyd Bailey
Rodney's guest on the podcast today is Boyd Bailey. Boyd is the founder of Wisdom Hunters, an international ministry headquartered in Roswell, GA.
People worldwide have been impacted by the Wisdom Hunters’ daily devotionals and books. His book, Learning to Lead Like Jesus, published in 2018, is a best-seller in the Christian leadership category.
You can find Boyd Bailey online at https://www.wisdomhunters.com/
Host: Rodney Cox
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